The SmartCycle Group
Our development team includes some of the industry’s top leaders. We are not an IT team trying to understand your industry so we can sell a product. Each member of our team works in automotive recycling each and every day, so we understand exactly what is necessary to be successful. We understand the complexities of the industry and have designed a product that simplifies all the data. We use our solution daily and personally know the value it holds. You can be confident in our product.
Our Team
Matt Lacy, SmartCoach
Matthew Lacy is President and CEO of Lacy Auto Parts, Inc., in Virginia and former president of Team PRP. During the past 16 years, he has been a leader in the industry. Matthew’s experience has helped shape our products at SmartCycle and he is excited to share how this technology can help independent recyclers thrive in today’s changing environment. Matthew is a third-generation owner of Lacy Auto Parts, Inc., and is excited to see new generations of recyclers build on the strong foundations of the earlier generations. In addition to his leadership at Lacy Auto Parts, Inc., his roles have included: president of Team PRP National (2013-2015), president of Virginia Automotive Recyclers Association (2011-2013), board member of Team PRP (2006-2015).
Rachel Whetstone, SmartCoach
Rachel Whetstone co-founded Allied Auto Salvage, Inc., in 2005 and has 19 years of experience in the industry. She started her career in the auto salvage industry as a delivery driver for Economy Auto Salvage in Winona, MN. She loves to see new ideas and strategies successfully implemented. She believes that enthusiasm is contagious and has the power to shape the future of our industry. Rachel has two wonderful daughters, Sophia and Hannah. Since 2000, Rachel has served on the Pinnacle Computer Features Committee; she is a former URG Manager and former PRP West Board of Directors Chair.
Matt Ehlers, SmartCoach
Matt Ehlers brings 21 years of experience in the auto salvage industry, with 17 of those years as a principal in Mr. R’s Auto Salvage. Matt brings the perspective of a first generation recycler to the SmartCycle team. He started his career in sales and continued in accounting, production, buying, inventory, and management. Matt appreciates the unique opportunities for collaboration, social networking, and sharing opportunities afforded to him by the profit teams and recycler associations. Matt has been a URG Manager since 2012 and previously served as a board member of Team PRP West.
Andrew Lacy, SmartCoach
Andrew Lacy, a principal of Lacy Auto Parts, Inc., has 11 years of experience in the industry. He is currently the buyer for Lacy Auto Parts and has previous experience as the sales manager for the company. Andrew has constructed and implemented various data-driven tools for the salvage industry. He understands the power technology holds and how vital it is for success in today’s market. He is excited to see how the newest generation of technology can help grow and revolutionize the salvage industry. Andrew has served on various PRP committees over the past decade.